Monday, 10 January 2011

Final Website Design

Overall I am very pleased with how my website turned out, even though there were a lot of ups and downs and I found it hard to get used to the new software of Dreamweaver because I’d never used before, I managed to get through this project successfully.

I found this brief the most enjoyable because I was able to create my own brand identity, which will be very useful for future portfolio/cv work. JQuery was very hard to figure out at first and coding was a completely new language to me. A lot of trial and error was needed so that I could familiarise myself with how Web Design worked. A lot of the time I felt very pressured for time and it was very stressful trying to figure out how hosting worked. Although after seeing how my website turned out I think it was all worth it.

Things to do after handing in to improve my website is to add metatags so that people can find my website. Add more work to my galleries, improve and personalise my contact form and update my profile picture from time to time.

In addition, I must check to see that my website works on cross browsers and test it out on other people’s computer and monitor screens to see the quality and make any amendments if needed. Also, my homepage still is a bit faulty sometimes because of the JQuery I used. I’m starting to think that there’s an error in the code I used so maybe when I have time I need to find another code that allows me to fade my images in and out when the cursor is hovered over it.